
.-.-.Stroke of love.-.-.Garbage.-.-.

I'll love you far beyond the last petal falls...

Hanging by threads of palest silver
I could have stayed that way forever
Bad blood and ghosts wrapped tight around me
Nothing could ever seem to touch me
I lose what I love most
Did you know I was lost until you found me?

Stroke of luck or gift from god?
Hand of fate or devil's claws?
From below or saints above
You came to me
Here comes the cold again
I feel it closing in
It's falling down and
All around me, falling

You say that you'll be there to catch me
Or will you only try to trap me
These are the rules I make
Our chains were meant to break
You'll never change me

Here comes the cold again
I feel it closing in
You're falling down and
All around me, falling
Stroke of luck or a gift from god?
Hand of fate or devil's claws?
From below or saints above
You come to me now

Don't ask me why
Don't even try

A stroke of luck or a gift from god?
Hand of fate or devil's claws?
From below or saints above
You came to me
Here comes the cold again
I feel it closing in
It's falling down and
All around me, falling


1 comentario:

neto dijo...

Parlami (Speak to me )
Il tuo silenzio guarda dentro(your silence looks at the inside)
Non resisterò (I won´t resist)

E' un attimo,(It is a while)
Nel tuo vuoto sento che (in your emptiness I feel that)
io non ce la farò (I won't make it)

Walk on by
You walk on by

Wondering why

Wandering from you
Falling at your side
Wandering from you
Healing my desire

Stumble in your soul
Give yourself to me
Hurting your desire
Healing mine

Slegami(unleash me)
Dal mio rimorso,(from my remorse)
sei diverso (you are different)
mentre muoio e poi (while I am dying and then)
risorgo dentro te (I'm rising again inside you )

Finchè vivrò (as long as I live)
ricordarti così (remembering you like this)
sarà una colpa eterna su di me (will be an eternal blame on me)